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Sunday 31 March 2013

Informativo semanal desde Grecia #25 - 30 Marzo 2013

En el informativo de rbnews international de esta semana:
  • Esta semana marco la actualidad en Chipre con revelaciones financieras, protestas y violencia.
  • Siguen las protestas en Calcídia mientras se enfrentan veinte activistas con acusaciones de delito grave.
  • El centro de atención se volvió a centrar una vez en las denuncias sobre las condiciones inhumanas de detención de inmigrantes y casos de suicidio en comisarías de policía.
  • Se celebró la fiesta nacional del 25 de marzo, con desfiles bajo medidas de seguridad fuertes y también con incidentes provocados por el Aurora Dorada 

Bulletin d'informations du 30 Mars 2013 en Grèce - #25

A la une de rbnews international cette semaine
  • L’actualité chypriote cette semaine a été marquée par des révélations financières, des mouvements de protestation mais aussi par des moments de violence. 
  • Le mouvement anti-minier continue en Chalcidique, alors que 20 activistes se préparent à être inculpés pour crime. 
  • Une dénonciation de plus des conditions inhumaines de détention des immigrés a été rendue publique cette semaine, mais aussi une tentative de suicide dans un poste de police. 
  • La fête nationale du 25 Mars s’est déroulée sous des mesures de sécurité draconiennes mais aussi avec divers incidents contre l’Aube dorée. 

#rbnews international weekly bulletin 23-29 March 2013

The text companion to this week's #rbnews international show is now online. You can read it after the jump.

#rbnews international show 30 March 2013 - Skouries: the march to Stratoni

On 30 March 2013 on #rbnews international, we discussed once again the issue of gold and copper mining in Skouries, Halkidiki, while the anti-mining movement was holding a demonstration from Ierissos to Stratoni, the village where mining company Hellas Gold has its local offices.

With me in the studio were @potmos and @menacius from OmniaTV and Georgia Anagnou (@ganagnou) from Exandas Documentaries, and discussed, among other things, the production of two recent documentaries on the Skouries issue: Greedy Profit (OmniaTV) and Cassandra's Treasure (Exandas).

We also interviewed Maria Kadoglou, who was participating in the march to Stratoni, Vasilis Tzimourtos, a lawyer from Ierissos who is provided legal assistance to people detained in the latest police sweep operation, and Perka Peti from the Technical Chamber of Greece, who participated in producing the Chamber's study on the anticipated impact of the mining operation.

You can listen to the podcast, as usual, after the jump.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Notiziario dalla Grecia #5 - 23 marzo 2013

Tradotto da Massimiliano Sfregola

Dal notiziario settimanale di RBNews International:

Con le manifestazioni di Nicosia ed Atene è stato segnato un punto cruciale nella vicenda della crisi cipriota.
Dopo le dure proteste della comunità locale di Skuries, la società canadese Oro Greco, sta considerando l'ipotesi di abbandonare il progetto.
Il governo greco si è mosso presso le autorità per ottenere una censura della rivista Unfollow che ha pubblicato di recente una foto manipolata del primo ministro.
Quattro anni dopo l'omicidio di Alexander Grigoropulos, i due agenti Korkoneas e Saraliotis, sono stati rimossi dal servizio, dalla commissione disciplinare che doveva giudicarli.
L'antiterrorismo greca ha messo al setaccio le librerie della capitale, alla ricerca di acquirenti dell'area anarchica che possano essere ricondotti alla rapina di Velvento Kozani.
Un radicale ultraliberista già presidente della società dell'acqua pubblica di Atene è stato nominato a capo di TAIPED, un ente costituito per privatizzare le società pubbliche greche attualmente in attivo.
Babis Akrivopulos è un obiettore di coscienza, arrestato la scorsa settimana.

Monday 25 March 2013

Boletim informativo da Grécia #11 - 23.03.2013

Traduzido por Roberto Almeida

Nas notícias da semana da rbnews internacional:

- Manifestações em Atenas e Nicosia marcaram uma semana crucial para o destino da economia cipriota;

- A mineradora canadense Eldorado Gold examina a possibilidade de suspender operações na Grécia depois da reação dos moradores do norte do país;

- Governo grego pressiona procuradores para perseguir a revista mensal Unfollow sobre sua capa recente, que mostra uma foto editada do primeiro-ministro;

- Quatro anos depois do assassinato de Alexandro Grigoropoulos os policiais Krkoneas e Saraliotis se despedem da corporação por decisão disciplinar;

- Corpo antiterrorista da polícia vasculha livrarias no centro de Atenas para encontrar leitores dos livros ligados ao roubo em Velvento Kozani;

- Extremista neoliberal e presidente da companhia pública de águas de Atenas é o novo diretor do TAIPED, fundo de privatização das estatais gregas;

- O objetor de consciência Babis Akrivopoulos foi preso na semana passada e mais uma vez enfrenta a Justiça.

Wekelijks bulletin uit Griekenland 23 maart 2013 #8

Vertaald door @DimitraTheodori

Het nieuws uit Griekenland van rbnews international in vogelvlucht

  • Demonstraties in Nicosia en Athene kenmerken deze cruciaal week voor het lot van de economie van Cyprus.
  • Het Canadese mijnbouwbedrijf Eldorado Gold overweegt om haar activiteiten in Griekenland op te schorten na opeenvolgende reacties van de inwoners van Noord-Griekenland tegen het mijnbouwprojecten.
  • De Griekse regering oefent druk uit op de openbare aanklager om het maandblad Unfollow te vervolgen wegens de publicatie van een bewerkte foto van de premier op de voorpagina van het blad.
  • Vier jaar na zijn moord worden de moordenaars van op A. Grigoropoulos, de politieagenten Korkoneas en Saraliotis, geschorst uit de politiekorps door de tuchtraad van de politie.
  • De terrorismebestrijding eenheid doorzoekt boekhandels op zoek naar kopers van politieke boeken die verband zouden houden met de diefstal in Velvento Kozani.
  • Extreem neoliberaal en voormalige voorzitter van het publieke bedrijf voor water en riolering wordt hoofd van TAIPED, de staatsfonds die de privatisering van de Griekse staatseigendommen moet gaan realiseren.
  • Babis Akrivopoulos, nog een gewetensbezwaarde, werd vorige week gearresteerd en wordt opnieuw geconfronteerd met een rechtzaak.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Informativo semanal desde Grecia #24 - 23 Marzo 2013

En las noticias semanales de rbnews international:
  • Con manifestaciones en Atenas y Nicosia se marcó una semana crucial para el destino de la economía chipriota.
  • La compañia canadiense Eldorado Gold examina la posibilidad de suspender sus operaciones en Grecia después de las reacciones consecutivas de los residentes del norte de Grecia en los proyectos mineros.
  • Presiones ejercidas por el Gobierno griego a la fiscalía para perseguir la revista mensual Unfollow en relacion a la reciente portada de la revista, que muestra una foto editada del primer ministro.
  • Cuatro años después del asesinato de Alexandros Grigoropulos, sus asesinos, los policías Korkoneas y Saraliotis se despiden de la fuerza policial, por decisión del órgano disciplinario.
  • El cuerpo policial antiterrorista hace controles hasta en las librerías del centro de Atenas con el fin de encontrar compradores de libros políticos que se conecten con el robo en Velvento Kozani.
  • El presidente de la compañia publica de aguas de atena, conocido por su extrmismo neoliberal, ha sido nombrado como el nuevo director de TAIPED, un fondo responsable en la privatización de los activos estatales griegos.
  • Un objetor de conciencia, Babis Akrivopulos, ha sido arrestado la semana pasada y se enfrenta otta vez a la justicia.

Saturday 23 March 2013

#rbnews international show 23 March 2013: Greece and Cyprus, a tale of two crises

On 23 March 2013 on #rbnews international, we discussed how Greeks and Cypriot perceive each other and their countries in the context of the sudden, acute financial crisis that engulfed Cyprus since last week. Our guests (via Skype) were George Markides (@georgiemark) and George Iordanou (@iordanou) from Cyprus, Nick Malkoutzis (@NickMalkoutzis) from Greece, and Yiannis Mouzakis (@YiannisMouzakis), who is a little bit from both.

Special thanks to @pitsirikos, @CorinaVasilopoulou, @adiasistos, @madamitsa@giwrgoslouvaris@MariaCuchicheo@ZenonZindilis, @Kartesios, @atreyiou and @SovJohn whose tweets gave us food for thought for this show.

You can listen to the podcast, as usual, after the jump.

Bulletin d'informations du 23 Mars 2013 en Grèce - #24

A la une de rbnews international cette semaine:

  • Cette semaine critique pour le sort de l'économie de Chypre est aussi marquée par des manifestations à Nicosie, ainsi qu'à Athènes.
  • La compagnie canadienne Eldorado Gold examine la possibilité d'arrêter ses travaux en Grèce, suite aux réactions continues des habitants de la région, contre la construction d'une mine d'or.
  • Le gouvernement grec exerce des pressions sur les autorités judiciaires, pour que le magazine mensuel Unfollow soit poursuivi, à cause de la couverture de sa dernière édition, illustré par une photo retouchée du premier ministre grec .
  • Quatre ans après l'assassinat de Alexandros Grigoropoulos, Korkoneas et Saraliotis, les policiers qui l'ont assassiné, sont expulsés de la police, suite à une décision de l'organe disciplinaire de première instance de la police.
  • La force antiterroriste de la police grecque réalise des contrôles dans des librairies du centre ville d'Athènes, dans le but de reperer des personnes ayant acheté des livres politiques, faisant le lien avec un cambriolage d'une banque qui a eu lieu recemment à Velvedo près de Kozani.
  • Un néolibéral extrême et ex président de la compagnie d'eau d'Athènes est le nouveau chef de TAIPED, le fonds responsable pour les privatisations de la proprété publique grecque.
  • Encore un objecteur de conscience, Babis Akrivopoulos a été arrêté cette semaine et sera confronté à la justice militaire la semaine prochaine.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Notiziario dalla Grecia #4 - 16 marzo 2013

Tradotto da Massimiliano Sfregola

Nel notiziario settimanale di rbnews internazionale dalla Grecia.

-Dopo il loro arresto durante il periodo elettorale, l'umiliazione e la detenzione per mesi nelle prigioni greche, le ultime cinque donne sieropositive sono state assolte questa settimana dai giudici.

- Non accenna a diminiure la partecipazione alle proteste per la vicenda delle miniere d'oro di Calcídia e di quelle in programma nel resto della Grecia settentrionale.

-Con occupazioni e proteste, prosegue la risposta di migliaia di studenti e della comunità accademica al progetto Athena di riforma del sistema di istruzione superiore.

- Ai membri di Alba Dorata, non è stato consentito di presenziare alla ricorrenza in memoria degli eroi nazionali della resistenza, nei villaggio di Tsaritsani a Larissa, mentre il Parlamento greco ha negato al deputato Kasidiaris I'immunità dal giudizio sulla vicenda dell'aggressione in diretta tv alla parlamentare comunista Liana Kaneli.

Wekelijks bulletin uit Griekenland 16 maart 2013 #7

Vertaald door @DimitraTheodori

Het nieuws uit Griekenland van rbnews international in vogelvlucht 

  • De laatste vijf van de HIV-positieve vrouwen die tijdens de verkiezingsperiode werden gearresteerd, zijn deze week vrijgesproken na maandenlange vernedering en opsluiting in de Griekse gevangenissen. 
  • Duizenden mensen blijven zich onverminderd verzetten tegen de komst van de goudmijnen in Chalkidiki en de rest van Noord-Griekenland. 
  • Met bezettingen en protesten antwoorden duizenden studenten en de academische gemeenschap op het hervormingsplan, genaamd Athena, voor het hoger onderwijs. 
  • Parlementsleden van de Gouden Dageraad zijn niet welkom in Tsaritsani, Larissa tijdens de herdenking van (de gesneuvelden van) het nationale verzet in de tweede wereldoorlog. Tegelijkertijd heeft het Griekse parlement de parlementaire immuniteit van Illia Kasidiari opnieuw opgeheven, om zijn berechting mogelijk te maken, ditmaal wegens het slaan van Liana Kanelli, parlementslid van de communistische partij KKE. 

Sunday 17 March 2013

Ugentlig Nyheder d. 6 - 15. Marts

HIV positive løslades
En HIV positive kvinde blev tidligere fængslet og udstillet for offentligheden i en uhørt sag om kriminalisering af HIV og Aids. Hun er nu løsladt.

I maj måned 2012 blev 26 hiv positive stofmisbrugere anholdt under en politioperation, der involverede række sager om menneskerettigheder og medicinske fortrolige overtrædelser.  Otte kvinderne er blevet frikendt indtil videre. Kvinderne er blevet anklaget af den tidligere sundhedsminister, Andreas Loverdos, for at være bevidste om deres status som HIV-smittede og dermed true den offentlige sundhed. Det nationale center for ‘kontrol og beskyttelse mod sygdomme’ har arbejdet tæt sammen med politiet under denne operation, hvor de har udført HIV tests på de anholdte kvinder uden deres tilladelse.

#rbnews weekly bulletin 06-15 March 2013

The text companion to this week's #rbnews international show is now online. You can read it after the jump.

#rbnews international show 16 March 2013: "It is our duty, all of us, to stand by this struggle"

On 16 March on #rbnews international, our guest was Dina Daskalopoulou, a journalist from Greece's only truly independent daily newspaper, the Editors' Newspaper or Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών (it is owned by its own staff.) Dina just spent three weeks in Halkidiki (also spelled Chalkidiki), reporting on events as the government's reaction to the arson attack on the planned ore mining site in Skouries turned into full-fledged repression against anti-mining activists, especially the village of Ierissos.

You can read Dina's articles (in Greek) here.
You can read/listen to more radiobubble reports on Skouries here.

And you can, of course, listen to the podcast after the jump.

Informativo semanal desde Grecia #23 - 16 Marzo 2013

En las noticias de esta semana de rbnews international desde Grecia: 

- Las últimas cinco mujeres portadoras de VIH que aún estaban en prisión fueron absueltas esta semana por decisión de los tribunales después de que fueran detenidas durante el período electoral, y de la humillación y la retención durante meses en las prisiones griegas. 

- Las continuas protestas en contra de las minas de oro siguen ganando intensidad con miles de personas manifestándose en Calcídia y el resto del norte de Grecia. 

- Fuerte contestación de los estudiantes y la comunidad académica, con ocupaciones y protestas, al proyecto Atenea de reforma del mapa de la educación superior. 

-Los miembros de Aurora Dorada fueron expulsados del homenaje a los héroes de la resistencia nacional en el pueblo de Tsaritsani en Larissa, mientras que el parlamento griego revocó la inmunidad de Ilías Kasidiaris, llevándole frente la justicia por su agresión a la diputada del partido comunista Liana Kaneli. 

Saturday 16 March 2013

Bulletin d'informations du 16 Mars 2013 en Grèce - #23

A la une de #rbnews international cette semaine:

  • Les cinq dernières femmes séropositives qui avaient été arrêtées lors de la campagne électorale, paradées dans les média et emprisonnées pendant des mois ont toutes été acquittées et libérées par un tribunal d’Athènes. 
  • Les projets d’exploitation minière en Chalcidique mais aussi dans d’autre régions du nord de la Grèce continuent à susciter des manifestations de milliers de personnes. 
  • Les étudiants et le milieu universitaire dans son ensemble réagit au plan Athéna de réforme de l’enseignement supérieur par des occupations de locaux et des manifestations. 
  • Les députés de l’Aube dorée ont été décrétés persona non grata à la commémoration des morts de la résistance nationale à Tsaritsani près de Larissa, au moment où le parlement grec, encore une fois, lève l’immunité parlementaire d’Ilias Kasidiaris pour son attaque physique contre la députée communiste Liana Kanelli. 

Friday 15 March 2013

SOS Halkidiki Magazine, 1st issue (March 2013)

The first issue of the SOS Halkidiki Magazine, which is prepared by the Coordination Committee of Associations against ore mining in Ierissos, is now available in English. You can read it below.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Boletim informativo da Grécia #10 - 09.03.2013

Traduzido por Roberto Almeida

No informativo da rbnews internacional desta semana:

Violação sistemática dos direitos humanos para reprimir o movimento contra a construção de minas de ouro em Skuriés, em Calcídia.
O Estado grego leva dependentes químicos para centro de detenção, onde são registrados com um documento “confidencial”, segundo foi revelado semana passada.
O deputado do Aurora Dourada, Ilias Kasidiaris, foi declarado inocente, enquanto outra ação penal foi iniciada contra um candidato do partido neonazista depois de declarações controversas sobre imigrantes.
Reações da comunidade acadêmica e problemas internos no governo para ratificar o plano de reforma da educação superior “Atenea”, que tramita no Parlamento.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Notiziario dalla Grecia #3 - 9 marzo 2013

Tradotto da Massimiliano Sfregola

Nel notiziario rbnews internazionale di questa settimana:

Violazione sistematica dei diritti umani, per reprimere il movimento di protesta contro la creazione di miniere d'oro di Skuriés in Calcídia.
Secondo un documento "confidenziale", rivelato la scorsa settimana, lo Stato greco vorrebbe arrestare i tossicodipendenti al fine di schedarli.
Il deputato di Alba Dorata Ilias Kasidiaris è stato assolto nel procedimento penale intentato a suo carico mentre un altro procedimento penale è stato aviato contro un candidato del partito neo-nazista, in seguito a delle controverse dichiarazioni sugli immigrati.

Le reazioni della comunità accademica e malumori interni al governo, hanno reso tortuoso l'accordo sul piano di riforma dell'istruzione superiore "Athena".

Wekelijks bulletin uit Griekenland 9 maart 2013 #6

vertaald door @DimitraTheodori

Het nieuws in vogelvlucht van rbnews internationaal: 

Met schendingen van fundamentele burgerrechten wordt geprobeerd om de protestbeweging tegen de goudmijnen in Skouries, Chalkidiki te onderdrukken. Volgens een vertrouwelijk document dat de Griekse krant Journal van de Editor kon bemachtigen wil de Griekse overheid drugsverslaafde opsluiten in detentiecentra bedoeld voor illegale migranten. 

Parlementslid van de Gouden Dageraad (Chrysi Avgi) Ilias Kasidiaris wordt vrijgesproken. Op hetzelfde moment spaant de openbare aanklager een nieuwe proces aan tegen een andere verkiezingskandidaat van Gouden Dageraad wegens beledigende en schokkende uitspraken over immigranten. 

De Griekse regering wordt geconfronteerd met protest vanuit de academische gemeenschap en vanuit de eigen gelederen in haar poging de hervorming van het hoger onderwijs genaamd "Athena" te laten ratificeren door het Parlement. 

Sunday 10 March 2013

MSF: Another dangerous intervention in the name of humanity and public health

Translation of the statement released by Doctors Without Borders in response to the Thetis sweep operation of intravenous drug users. 

The involvement of public healthcare actors in Greek Police’s “sweep” operations is contrary to medical ethics.

We at Doctors Without Borders express our deep opposition to the sweep operations conducted by the Hellenic Police, such as the one carried out on the night of 5 to 6 March to transfer drug addicts to police facilities in Amygdaleza.  According to the authorities, this operation, which involved the participation of public health authorities (Ministry of Health, National Health Operations Centre and Hellenic Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) was aiming at controlling drug trafficking in the centre of Athens, together with “medical-humanitarian action” i.e. to provide medical services and “registration” for the persons taken in custody (men and women, of Greek and non-Greek origin).

“Public health cannot be promoted through police-led medical screenings and services” says Willem DeJonge, General Director of the Greek section of MSF, adding: “Public health can be effectively safeguarded and promoted as long as the populations most in need have adequate access to healthcare services and to effective public healthcare programs. It is promoted only when the medical needs of all social groups are met –people lacking health insurance, drug users, homeless people, regardless of their origin”.

The amendment of Greek Presidential Decree 114/2010 - included in the law governing “Electronic communications, Transports and Public Works Regulations and other decrees” introduced on April 9 2012 - foresees “mandatory health screenings of persons who suffer from communicable diseases or belong to groups vulnerable to communicable diseases, and their detention in health structures on the grounds that these persons are a danger to public health”. According to this same piece of legislation “the at-risk factor is defined as persons who suffer from communicable diseases or belong to population groups vulnerable to communicable diseases, mainly due to their country of origin or the use of intravenous illegal substances, or the fact that they are a sex workers…, or that their living conditions that do not abide to basic rules of hygiene”.

At MSF, we argue that public health is an issue of state responsibility. Individuals are at risk, rather than the risk, in the absence of comprehensive State public health policies and interventions which are adequately implemented. MSF calls upon the relevant authorities to change the law and sanitary regulations  and safeguard unhindered access to health care for all vulnerable population groups. This can only be achieved through well-planned and coherent medical services, outside the sphere of action of the police.

The demonstration against ore mining in Thessaloniki on 09 March 2013

After recent developments in Halkidiki (see here, here and here for background), a large demonstration against ore mining that was planned jointly by the anti-mining movements of Halkidiki, Kilkis and Thrace in Thessaloniki on 09 March took unexpected proportions. Turnout against mining was extremely large (9,000 according to the police, up to 20,000 according to eyewitnesses), and was further reinforced when a demonstration against cuts to the education budget chose to join the anti-mining protesters.

You will find photos and videos of the demonstration, as well as a full Twitter archive of the hashtag #Skouries, after the jump.

#rbnews weekly bulletin 02-08 March 2013

The text companion to this week's #rbnews international show is now online. You can read it after the jump.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Informativo semanal desde Grecia #22 - 09 Marzo 2013

En el informativo de rbnews international de esta semana: 

  • Violación sistemática de los derechos humanos para reprimir el movimiento en contra de la creación de minas de oro en Skuriés en Calcídia. 
  • El estado griego lleva detenidos a drogodependientes en centros de detención para registrarles de acuerdo con un documento “confidencial”, documento que fue revelado la semana pasada. 
  • El diputado de Aurora Dorada, Ilías Kasidiaris, es declarado inocente, mientras otra acción penal se inició contra un candidato del partido neo-nazi después de sus controvertidas declaraciones sobre los inmigrantes. 
  • Reacciones de la comunidad académica, y problemas internos en el Gobierno por tratar de ratificar el plan de reforma para la educación superior “Atenea”, en proceso parlamentario.

#rbnews international show 09 March 2013: Culture in the time of the crisis, part 3 - Interview with crime fiction writer Petros Markaris

On #rbnews international this week, we continued our series about culture in the time of the crisis. The first two shows focused on theatre and dance; today we moved on to books and had the pleasure to interview Petros Markaris, a Greek crime fiction writer whose latest novel, Bread - Education - Freedom, is the last installment of his Crisis Trilogy. Mr. Markaris told us of his approach to crime fiction, of his thoughts on Athens and Greek society during the crisis, and of his assessment of the impact of the crisis on cultural life.

Special thanks to @amaenad who translated the excerpts of Bread - Education - Freedom that you can hear in the show.

The podcast is available, as usual, after the jump.

Bulletin d'informations du 09 Mars 2013 en Grèce - #22

A la une de rbnews international cette semaine:
  • La répression du mouvement populaire contre le développement de mines d’or à Skouries en Chalcidique continue avec des violations de droits essentiels par les autorités. 
  • Selon un document confidentiel qui a vu le jour cette semaine, l’Etat transfère des toxicomanes dans des centres de détention pour immigrés afin de les enregistrer. 
  • Le député de l’Aube Dorée Ilias Kasidiaris a été acquitté, alors que le procureur prend des mesures contre un candidat du parti néonazi à la suite de déclarations scandaleuses faites par ce dernier au sujet des immigrés. 
  • Le gouvernement cherche à faire ratifier par le parlement le plan « Athéna » de réforme de l’enseignement supérieur, mais doit faire face aux réactions des universitaires ainsi qu’à des tensions au sein de sa propre coalition.

Thursday 7 March 2013

The police assault on Ierissos near the Skouries forest - 07 March 2013

The police campaign to intimidate and even terrorize the anti-mining movement in north-eastern Halkidiki took a new turn this morning when several platoons of riot police entered the village of Ierissos, allegedly to summon witnesses to the regional police HQ in Polygyros and to conduct house searches. Residents initially reported 6 platoons, but later concluded that the number of riot policemen was much, much higher. Officers from national security and anti-terrorism units also participated in the raid.

Residents quickly gathered at the entrance of the village. The riot police marched into the village, throwing large quantities of tear gas (video 1, video 2, video 3). Multiple eyewitnesses, including the headmaster, report that tear gas was thrown inside the secondary school, which had to be evacuated. One student was wounded after taking a hot from a tear gas canister. Several people are reported to be suffering from breathing problems and need medical care.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Skouries: from intimidation to terror

For background on the issue of ore mining in Halkidiki, see here and here.  

The human rights situation in north-eastern Halkidiki (also spelled Chalkidiki) is still deteriorating since the arson attack on the work site of mining company Hellas Gold in Skouries on 17 February 2013. There have been dozens of random detentions of local residents by the police, without any result so far and most importantly without any charges being pressed against any of the detainees.

The latest - and most shocking - case of detention is a 15-year-old female student from the Ierissos high school, who was summoned today to the regional police HQ in Polygyros for interrogation. The entire village of Ierissos went in an uproar, with church bells ringing and schoolchildren staging a protest in front of the local police station together with their families. The police decision was condemned by the Coordination Committee of Associations in Stagira-Akanthos as well as local attorneys, who specifically denounced the fact that "witnesses" or "detainees" summoned by the police have no access to legal assistance during their interrogation and that the police essentially force them to give a DNA sample, which is illegal as no charges have been pressed against them.

Boletim informativo da Grécia #9 - 02.03.2013

Traduzido por Roberto Almeida

As notícias da rbnews internacional desta semana:

Em meio a uma forte repressão, mas com apoio massivo, continua a luta dos moradores de Skuriés em Calcidia contra a construção da mina de ouro na região, pelas mãos da empresa Ouro Grego. A primeira venda de uma propriedade pública já aconteceu: uma área em Corfu foi repassada para uma empresa norte-americana para investimento turístico. O ex-prefeito de Salônica e seus colaboradores foram condenados a prisão perpétua depois de terem sido declarados culpados pelo desvio de verba pública. O partido neonazista Aurora Dourada está recrutando crianças e organizando cursos de “despertar nacional e espiritual”. Por último, a nova administração do Fundo de Estabilidade Financeira tem salários astronômicos em plena crise grega.

Notiziario dalla Grecia #2 - 2 marzo 2013

Tradotto da Massimiliano Sfregola

Le notizie di rbnews internazionale di questa settimana:

Bersaglio di una violenta offensiva da parte dello stato, prosegue grazie al vasto sostegno popolare, la lotta degli abitanti di Skuries in Calcidia contro la costruzione della miniera d'oro da parte della società Oro Greco.
La prima vendita di una proprietà pubblica ad imprese straniere ha già avuto luogo: uno spazio di Corfù è stato ceduto dall'autorità locale ad una società americana che intende trasformarlo in una struttura per la ricezione turistica.
L'ex sindaco di Salonicco ed i suoi collaboratori, sono stati condannati all'ergastolo per sottrazione di fondi pubblici.
Il partito nazista Alba Dorata, sta reclutando bambini delle scuole elementari attraverso corsi di “risveglio nazionale e spirituale”.
Per concludere: la nuova amministrazione del Fondo di Stabilità Finanziaria viene pagata con cifre astronomiche nonostante la Grecia sia in piena crisi.

Monday 4 March 2013

Wekelijks bulletin uit Griekenland 3 maart 2013 #5

vertaald door @DimitraTheodori

Het nieuws in vogelvlucht 

In Skouries in de regio Chalkidiki zet de plaatselijke bevolking de strijd voort tegen de goudmijnexploitatie door het bedrijf Ellinikos Chrysos (Grieks Goud) ondanks de keiharde repressie. In Corfu is de eerste verkoop van publiek eigendom ten behoeve van toeristische exploitatie door de Griekse staat een feit. Oud-burgemeester van Thessaloniki en medewerkers krijgen levenslang voor geldverduistering. Neo-facistische Gouden Dageraad (Grieks: Χρυσή Αυγή, Chrysi Avgi) gaat over tot rekrutering van kinderen door het organiseren van programma's voor "nationaal en spiritueel ontwaken". Ten slotte ontvangt de leiding van het Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) astronomische salarissen in het Griekenland van de crisis. 

Sunday 3 March 2013

Bulletin d'informations du 02 mars 2013 en Grèce - #21

A la une de rbnews international cette semaine:

C'est avec une grande manifestation mais aussi sous des conditions de répression policière extrême que continue la lutte des habitants de Skouries à Halkidiki contre la construction d'une mine de métaux par la compagnie Hellas Gold [Or Grec].
La première vente d'un bien immobilier public a déjà eu lieu: il s'agit d'un espace à Corfou vendu à une compagnie américaine comme investissement touristique.
Un ex-maire de Thessalonique et ses collaborateurs ont été condamnés à la prison à perpétuité, après avoir été jugés coupables pour détournement de fonds.
L'organisation fasciste Aube Dorée procède au recrutement de jeunes enfants, en organisant des cours "d'éveil national et spirituel".
Enfin, la nouvelle direction du Fonds de Stabilité Financière jouit de salaires astronomiques en Grèce, en pleine crise. 

Saturday 2 March 2013

Informativo semanal desde Grecia #21 - 02 Marzo 2013

En las noticias de rbnews internacional de esta semana: 

En medio de una fuerte represión, pero con un apoyo masivo, sigue la lucha de los habitantes de Skuriés en Calcídia en contra de la construcción de la mina de oro por la empresa griega Oro Griego en su región. La primera venta de una propiedad pública ya ha tenido lugar: un espacio en Corfú se ha vendido a una empresa estadounidense como inversión turística. El ex alcalde de Salónica y sus colaboradores fueron condenados a cadena perpetua tras ser declarados culpables de malversación de fondos públicos. El partido nazi Aurora Dorada está reclutando a niños pequeños, organizando cursos de "despertar nacional y espiritual". Y al final, la nueva administración del Fondo de Estabilidad Financiera cuenta con sueldos astronómicos en Grecia en plena crisis. 

#rbnews weekly bulletin 23 February - 01 March 2013

The text companion to this week's #rbnews international show is now online. You can read it after the jump.

#rbnews international show 02 March 2013: Skouries, Aegean Oil and the need for alternative media in Greece

On #rbnews international this week, our guest was Greek journalist Augustine Zenakos from Unfollow Magazine, who also runs the English-language site Borderline Reports. We discussed the case of gold mining in the Skouries forest of Halkidiki and the fuel smuggling scandal involving Aegean Oil as examples of the need for alternative, independent, quality media in Greece.

You can follow Augustine on Twitter @auzenakos and Borderline Reports @BorderlineRpts.

You can read more about the Skouries story here on radiobubble international and here on Borderline Reports. The analysis of coverage of the Skouries story on Twitter by Nikos Smyrnaios (@smykos), which we discuss at the beginning of the 2nd part of the show, is available here (in Greek).
You can also read more about the threats Unfollow Magazine received after publishing a detailed story on the fuel smuggling scandal here. The article about the fuel smuggling scandal was published in the print edition of Unfollow in January 2013 and will hopefully soon be translated to English on Borderline Reports.

The podcast is available, as usual, after the jump.