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Friday 9 May 2014

Cleaners escalate protest actions & call for public support

English translation of the protesting cleaners' announcement by @inflammatory_ 
Bold & capital letters as seen at the original text

Cleaners staying overnight in a tent outside the Finance Ministry protesting layoffs & austerity measures
pic via @dromografos


We are 595 female cleaners that have been working for many years at the Finance Ministry. Since September 18, 2013 we've been under the labour reserve scheme* and on May 18, 2014 we are losing our jobs, WE ARE GETTING SACKED.

We are all WOMEN, the gender discrimination is evident, most of us are over 50 years old and very close to retirement but will NEVER MANAGE TO GET a pension. Many of us are single parents and we've been providing this income for our family. 

The bailout policies compromise our right to work and live. The Greek unemployment overall at the moment is 27% and 62.8% specifically for women.


Until 2005 we've been engaged under a "contract for service". Following a EU legislation and a fine for Greece, our contracts switched to "open-ended". The government is dismissing us to reduce the deficit, as it says. The truth is that we cost to the Greek state much less than the private cleaning services they are using now instead. For the Greek government and the Troika we are numbers, not humans.

For 8 months -since September 18- we 've been protesting every day outside the Finance Ministry. It has been an immense struggle that faced violence & clampdown by the Greek government. 

They thought we would make ourselves easy target and weak link especially because we are women at the bottom of the working class. However we fight on a daily basis along with thousands of other laid off people, against the measures of the Greek government and the Troika that destroy our lives and lead us to utter misery.

We continue our struggle:

  • We stage a sit-in protest from today (May 7, 2014) outside the Finance Ministry
  • We won't stop until we get justice
  • We demand the right to work, social security & pension
  • We fight with other workers altogether to abolish these policies that bring us to poverty 
  • We demand the obvious: a life of dignity through our humble job

We are calling for solidarity with our sit-in protest
We can make it altogether 

* under the labour reserve scheme they get 75% of their salary for 8 months and then they get sacked for good

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Golden Dawn's controversial video on prime minister's aide Baltakos, raises questions

Government general secretary & prime minister’s close aide Takis Baltakos was secretly filmed describing to Golden Dawn spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris the politics behind the clampdown on the party following the murder of Pavlos Fyssas. The transcripts release, forced Baltakos to resign and triggered drama in the corridors of the parliament as his son stormed inside the Golden Dawners’ office and attacked 3 lawmakers who allegedly failed to respond swiftly because -based on looks- they considered he was "one of them".

The video subtitled  by @kalergisK shows a friendly chat between the two men and Baltakos revealing that the allegations lacked sufficient evidence whilst the crackdown was an effort to tackle the switch of New Democracy voters to Golden Dawn. Frankly this is not news, but an old hot topic of analysis across alternative media sources back in September. However when it's allegedly admitted by a government official who is secretly recorded by a lawmaker, then the story enters a new chapter and raises a few questions: 

  1. The video material appears to be legit but it's edited and 3 bits appear to be deleted (1:42' - 2:01' -2:28'). Was there any juicy info missed? If yes how would that affect the story?
  2. If the video was recorded months ago why did Golden Dawn choose now to release it? 
  3. Since Golden Dawn engages with such practices, there is room for assumptions about other video or audio materials available. In case thery actually are, how could these shape further developments ahead of elections and party members' trial? Should other public figures start worrying? Would this mark the beginning of a bluffing game or blackmailing and secret negotiations?
  4. What lies ahead for a governemnt and above all for the people it is supposed to serve amid allegations of political interference at justice? 
  5. The boundary between the far-right and the center right has become porous. For example the views and background of New Democracy's Kranidiotis, Voridis, Georgiadis or Plevris -to name a few- give strong evidence although they have made numerous efforts to play it down. Samaras also expelled Sotiris Hatzigakis for raising the issue back in 2011. Baltakos would bear even greater responsibility as the government's general secretary. Is this video a hint of collusion between people of New Democracy and Golden Dawn?
Video transcript in English can be found here 

Monday 29 July 2013

Informativo semanal desde Grecia #42 - 27 Julio 2013

En las noticias de #rbnews international de esta semana:
  • Los servicios públicos de salud se degradan aún más en Grecia con el cierre de hospitales y despidos de personal 
  • El gobierno sigue sin reaccionar por la fuga de datos personales de la Secretaría General de Sistemas de Información del ministerio de finanzas
  • Sigue el apagón de la ERT 
  • Prohibida por el alcalde de Atenas, el uso de una plaza en Atenas por la Aurora Dorada para distribuir alimentos sólo a griegos
  • Sigue la recaudación de dinero para la fianza para la liberación de Kostas Sakkás
  • Continúan en julio varias protestas en Grecia de diversos sectores de trabajo contra las medidas del gobierno

Wednesday 24 July 2013

#rbnews weekly bulletin 13-19 July 2013

The text companion to this week's #rbnews international show is now online. You can read it after the jump.

#rbnews international show 20 July 2013 - Health in the time of the crisis

This week on #rbnews international, radiobubble contributor @Jaquoutopie and I discussed the Greek health system in the time of the crisis: the chronic issues, the cutbacks, and their impact on the population. Deep down, we wondered if the Greek health system is still serving its purpose of providing care but also protection for patients.

You can listen to the podcast after the jump.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Boletim informativo da Grécia #17 - 20.07.2013

Preparado pela equipe #rbnews, traduzido por @KHatzinikolaou

No noticiário internacional #rbnews esta semana:
  • As aduções de transexuais continuam em Thessaloniki
  • Os trabalhadores responderam na adoção do novo pacote de austeridade com greves e manifestações, enquanto o Ministro das Finanças alemão, Wolfgang Schäuble, visitava Atenas
  • A transmissão do programa de greve da ERT continua, em paralelo com o esquema transicional do governo.
  • O impacto demográfico da austeridade é dramático, segundo pesquisa realizada pela Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
  • A Aurora Dourada (Golden Dawn) desafia novamente no Parlamento

Sunday 21 July 2013

Informativo semanal desde Grecia #41 - 13 Julio 2013

En las noticias de #rbnews international de esta semana

  • Siguen las detenciones de mujeres transexuales en Tesálonica 
  • Atenas recibe la visita del ministro de Finanzas alemán, Wolfgang Schäuble, mientras en el país proliferan huelgas y manifestaciones como respuesta a la adopción de nuevas medidas de austeridad, condicionadas por el nuevo tramo de rescate
  • Sigue la transmisión de la radiotelevisión pública ERT
  • La austeridad está teniendo en Grecia un impacto demográfico dramático, según una encuesta realizada por la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Nuevos retos de Aurora Dorada en el Parlamento