This week on #rbnews international, radiobubble contributor @Jaquoutopie and I discussed the Greek health system in the time of the crisis: the chronic issues, the cutbacks, and their impact on the population. Deep down, we wondered if the Greek health system is still serving its purpose of providing care but also protection for patients.
You can listen to the podcast after the jump.
Part 1: News bulletin (download)
Part 2: Health in the time of the crisis (download)
You can listen to the podcast after the jump.
Part 1: News bulletin (download)
Part 2: Health in the time of the crisis (download)
Siempre quiero buscar un sitio genial para apuestas deportivas o juegos de casino. Mi amigo me aconsejó que lo intentara, creo que tú cómo apostar en sportium en Argentina para apuestas y yo lo intentaríamos conmigo