1. El Domingo 18 de Noviembre tuvo lugar otra manifestación en Jalkidikí, al norte de Grecia, en contra de un proyecto para la creación de una mina de oro que se cree que causará un desastre ambiental. El proyecto está liderado por el famoso empresario Griego, Bobolas, y la empresa Canadiense Eldorado Gold. Si el proyecto sigue adelante, se generará una masiva deforestación y una contaminación irreversible de los acuíferos locales. Durante la concentración de los manifestantes, hubo cierta tensión entre los que apoyan el proyecto y los que están en contra. La manifestación en contra del proyecto fue masiva ya que contó con la participación de 3.000 personas. A diferencia de otras manifestaciones anteriores, esta vez los manifestantes han optado por no tratar de llegar al campo de trabajo, lo que hubiera generado enfrentamientos violentos teniendo en cuenta que diecisiete divisiones de antidisturbios fueron desplegadas en el bosque. Al final se quedaron alrededor del pueblo en el cual se concentraron.

Sunday, 25 November 2012
Informativo semanal desde Grecia #7 - 24 Noviembre 2012
1. El Domingo 18 de Noviembre tuvo lugar otra manifestación en Jalkidikí, al norte de Grecia, en contra de un proyecto para la creación de una mina de oro que se cree que causará un desastre ambiental. El proyecto está liderado por el famoso empresario Griego, Bobolas, y la empresa Canadiense Eldorado Gold. Si el proyecto sigue adelante, se generará una masiva deforestación y una contaminación irreversible de los acuíferos locales. Durante la concentración de los manifestantes, hubo cierta tensión entre los que apoyan el proyecto y los que están en contra. La manifestación en contra del proyecto fue masiva ya que contó con la participación de 3.000 personas. A diferencia de otras manifestaciones anteriores, esta vez los manifestantes han optado por no tratar de llegar al campo de trabajo, lo que hubiera generado enfrentamientos violentos teniendo en cuenta que diecisiete divisiones de antidisturbios fueron desplegadas en el bosque. Al final se quedaron alrededor del pueblo en el cual se concentraron.
The Greek news bulletin 17 - 24 November 2012
The text companion of the #rbnews international show for this week is now online. You can read and/or download and print the Greek news bulletin for the week 17-23 November after the jump.
#rbnews international show 24 November 2012
On the #rbnews international show on 17 November 2012, our guest was Radiobubble's resident lawyer @xasodikis. We discussed threats to the Greek Constitution and the functioning of the institutions of the Republic in the current crisis, as well as the deterioration of the human rights situation in the country.
You can listen to the podcast after the jump.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Bulletin d'informations du 24 novembre 2012 en Grèce #7
1. Encore une manifestation s’est déroulée dimanche 18 novembre à Halkidiki, dans le nord de la Grèce, contre un projet de mise en place d’une mine d’or, qui provoquerait une catastrophe environnementale majeure. Le projet est dirigé par le magnat grec Bobolas et l’entreprise canadienne Eldorado Gold; au cas où le projet se réalise, il va générer une déforestation massive et une pollution irreversible au niveau des aquifères locaux. Lors de la concentration des manifestants, il y a eu une certaine tension entre ceux qui soutiennent le projet et ceux qui sont contre. La manifestation contre a été massive, de presque 3000 personnes, mais cette fois les manifestants ont choisi de ne pas essayer d’arriver jusqu’au chantier, ce qui aurait généré des affrontements violents, étant donné que 17 divisions de CRS avaient été déployées dans la forêt. Ils sont alors restés aux alentours du village, oú ils se sont rassemblés.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
"It is about time to expose the country": an exhibition about police violence in Zürich
«Fifteen anti-fascist protesters
arrested in Athens during a clash with supporters of the neo-Nazi party Golden
Dawn have said they were tortured in the Attica General Police Directorate
(GADA)», The Guardian, Tuesday 9 October 2012.
“By August 2008, the Greek
police had been convicted at least nine
times by the European Court of Human Rights for
incidents of abuse”. Global Voices Online, 12 May 2012.
human rights,
police brutality,
Sunday, 18 November 2012
#rbnews international show 17 November 2012
By @IrateGreek
On the #rbnews international show on 17 November 2012, our guest was Joanna Kakissis, journalist with National Public Radio and Time magazine. We discussed the commemoration of the 1973 Polytechnic University uprising, the delay in the disbursement of Greece's latest tranche of bailout loans, and the independence (or not) of the Greek judiciary. You can follow Joanna on Twitter @joannakakissis
In tribute to the 1973 Polytechnic uprising but also to celebrate World Tolerance Day on 16 November, we played songs from "Our Great Circus", an anti-Junta musical first performed in Athens in the summer of 1973. The promotion of World Tolerance Day is supported by the 1 Against Racism network.
You can listen to the podcast and download the weekly news bulletin in English after the jump.
On the #rbnews international show on 17 November 2012, our guest was Joanna Kakissis, journalist with National Public Radio and Time magazine. We discussed the commemoration of the 1973 Polytechnic University uprising, the delay in the disbursement of Greece's latest tranche of bailout loans, and the independence (or not) of the Greek judiciary. You can follow Joanna on Twitter @joannakakissis
In tribute to the 1973 Polytechnic uprising but also to celebrate World Tolerance Day on 16 November, we played songs from "Our Great Circus", an anti-Junta musical first performed in Athens in the summer of 1973. The promotion of World Tolerance Day is supported by the 1 Against Racism network.
You can listen to the podcast and download the weekly news bulletin in English after the jump.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Walid's story
Damian Mac Con Uladh (@damomac) investigated the case of Walid, a 29-year-old Egyptian immigrant who was kidnapped and tortured by his employer, a Greek baker, on the island of Salamina last week-end, in what must be one of the most freakish racist crimes committed in Greece. Here is the section of this week's #rbnews international show where he summarized what he found out.
#rbnews international weekly show - 10 November 2012
On the #rbnews international show on 10 November 2012, our guest was Damian Mac Con Uladh, journalist with the Athens News and the Irish Times. We discussed the international media coverage of Greece in the past two weeks, the challenges facing democracy in Greece and the case the freakish racist attack on Walid, a 29-year-old Egyptian man who was kidnapped and tortured by his employer on the island of Salamina near Piraeus.
You can listen to the podcast after the jump.
You can listen to the podcast after the jump.
Bulletin d'informations du 10 novembre 2012 en Grèce #5
En vue de la discussion au Parlement du Mémorandum III, une grève générale a été appelée pour le 6 et le 7 novembre. Mardi, tous les transports publics, taxis inclus, ont été en grève, ce qui a empêché une large participation à la manifestation.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Le #7ngr en #Grèce
Quand les discussions sur le projet de loi pour les nouvelles méseures d'austérité (Memorandum III) ont commencé au Parlement grec, le matin du 7 novembre, Syriza et les Grecs Indépendants ont déposé une objection sur la compatibilité du projet avec la Constitution. Selon les rapporteurs des deux partis, les paragraphes concernant les coupes des salaires et des pensions étaient anti-constitutionelles, ainsi que la proécdure d'urgence par laquelle le projet a été déposé au Parlement, puisqu'elle ne laisse que 10 heures de discussion, même si plusieurs membres du Parlement n'avaient reçu le texte que ce matin là.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
What happened in the morning of #7ngr in the Greek Parliament
by @doleross
When discussions over the draft law on the new austerity measures (Memorandum III) started in the Greek Parliament this morning, Syriza and Independent Greeks questioned the compatibility of thedraft law with the Constitution. According to the rapporteurs of the two parties, paragraphs on salary and pension cuts were unconstitutional, and so was the way the draft law came to discussion in Parliament: that is the emergency procedure which limits discussion time to 10 hours, even though many members of the Parliament only received the final, very long text of the law, on the same morning.
When discussions over the draft law on the new austerity measures (Memorandum III) started in the Greek Parliament this morning, Syriza and Independent Greeks questioned the compatibility of thedraft law with the Constitution. According to the rapporteurs of the two parties, paragraphs on salary and pension cuts were unconstitutional, and so was the way the draft law came to discussion in Parliament: that is the emergency procedure which limits discussion time to 10 hours, even though many members of the Parliament only received the final, very long text of the law, on the same morning.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Bulletin d'informations du 3 novembre 2012 en Grèce #4
Préparé par l'équipe de #rbnews international, traduit par @Krotkie
Dimanche, 28 octobre, et quelques heures avant que la procédure de délit flagrant soit périmée, le journaliste Kostas Vaxevanis a été arrêté, suite à la publication de la fameuse liste Lagarde par la revue qu’il dirige, Hot Doc.
Dimanche, 28 octobre, et quelques heures avant que la procédure de délit flagrant soit périmée, le journaliste Kostas Vaxevanis a été arrêté, suite à la publication de la fameuse liste Lagarde par la revue qu’il dirige, Hot Doc.
Aube Dorée,
liberté de la presse,
liste Lagarde,
médias grecs,
théâtre Chytirio
Monday, 5 November 2012
Informativo semanal desde Grecia #4 - 3 Noviembre 2012
Redactado por le equipo de #rbnews internacional, traducido por @mpatman
El domingo, 28 de Octubre, un par de horas antes de que finalice el flagrante, fue detenido el periodista Kostas Vaxevanis por haber publicado en su revista Hot Doc la famosa lista Lagarde.
Esta es una lista que incluye más de 2000 nombres de griegos que poseen cuentas bancarias en el banco suizo UBS, y quienes son sospechosos de evadir impuestos. La lista fue enviada al entonces ministro de Finanzas de Grecia, Yórgos Papakonstantinu, por la entonces ministra de Finanzas de Francia (y actual Directora del FMI), Christine Lagarde, en forma de CD. El hecho, seguido de una historia tragicómica, en la cual la lista fue "perdida", el ex ministro Griego de Finanzas y Presidente del PASOK, Evángelos Venizelos, se justificó echando la culpa por la pérdida de la lista a sus asociados y secretarios, mientras que la oposición le acusó de ocultar la lista para cubrir a sus amigos o para poder luego chantajear a otras personas.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Facts and figures of "Lagarde List" in a nutshell
By @inflammatory_
The text below is an extract from this week’s issue of HOT DOC magazine featuring extensive report and commentary by editor Kostas Vaxevanis and his team, over the leaked “Lagarde List” published on Saturday in an extra edition.
In a nutshell
- · The 2,059 HSBC clients listed hold 2,846 accounts in total
- · Accounts make a total of €4,5 billion in deposits
- · 55% of the accounts showed no transactions during 2005, 2006 and the first 2 months of 2007, apparently when Herve Falciani stole HSBC data. In February 2007, 26% of the accounts were active whilst the rest remained inactive, closed, abandoned, blocked or without sufficient data.
- · Swiss banks allow their customers to open an account in their name or alternatively in a code number. This is convenient for those seeking funds from controversial sources – as evidence shows from Tsochatzopoulos scandal too. For example a probe can be funded from a well known source to a numbered bank account whose holder cannot be identified. Later on in case a minister is inquired amid investigation, he may claim that this does not refer to a bank account but…a telephone number.
- · 41% of “Lagarde List” accounts are opened in a name and the rest in a code preferably numerical in most cases.
- · Named/numbered, active/inactive accounts and their links with offshore companies are included in “Lagarde List”
- · 81 account holders define themselves as company managers, 24 as ship owners, 43 as lawyers, 3 as public servants, 4 as journalists, 4 as publishers, 2 as employees in Ministry of Finance, 2 as workers in tax offices, 44 as industrial manufacturers , 9 as businessmen among others.
- · Kostas Vaxevanis underlined it was vague from the very beginning if the document included the full list of accounts or it was amended while it was passed on from “one hand to another”.
- · “We did not publish any sensitive data”, writes Kostas Vaxevanis. “We published a list showing that each of these 2,059 people had made transactions (we don’t know their legal status) with a bank. This is not sensitive data but it would have been in case we released the deposits amount (…) "Lagarde List" is not a series of sensitive info but rather a document. HOT DOC had made clear that those included were HSBC bank account holders not necessarily criminals. The discretion does not lie upon journalism research and it shouldn't actually. Hints of “people’s incrimination” stem from the two ministers' attitude who allowed rumors to be spread instead of providing all evidence and conduct a research upon the matter in hand.”
- · Kostas Vaxevanis continues: "A while ago newspaper “Ta Nea” released a list of names from arts/entertainment industry along with data from their tax declaration form. Admittedly this is sensitive data but prosecutors remained inactive although those people proceeded to public complaints.
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